Відкриті уроки

Конспект уроку  в   9 класі

 Practical objectives:
to train and improve  the pupils’ skills in speaking, listening on the basis of the texts " English Traditions", "Tea", "Christmas";
to teach them to use teaching materials of previous lessons  in monological and dialogical speech,
to involve the pupils in the process of English communication;
to create favourable atmosphere and to make the classroom live, be full of learning activities.
 Educational objectives:
 to expand pupils' knowledge of the very importance of traditions and customs in the life of people of Great Britain;
to get pupils acquainted with some peculiar, unusual, old traditions of GB.
 Developing objectives:
 to incorporate team work,
to develop pupils' abilities of using their knowledge in new situations,
 to develop pupils' logical way of j thinking, their readiness for taking part in the process of English communication,
to teach them to make conclusions,
 to develop their imagination,
to promote pupils' intellectual curiosity
 Educative objectives:
 to teach pupils to respect other peoples' customs and traditions, free communication, good manners, the art of design, to respect each other.

Heritage Holidays
Motto: He who has information, rules the world.
Practical aim:
1. to develop pupils' speaking, read­ing, writing, listening skills through various creative activities
2. to develop pupils' group communi­cative skills
3. to organize pupils' creative work in expanding their vocabulary .
Educational aim:
1.  to stimulate pupils' creativity in presentation of the advertisement      "Heritage Holidays"
2. to develop creative imagination and logical thinking
Cultural aim:
 1.  to foster the interest for learning and discovering new things
 2.   to widen pupils' knowledge about England's early history
 3.  to engage pupils in assessment
 4.   to develop pupils' interest to English

How much do you know about British festivals?
1) At Easter people:
         a) eat cross buns;
         b) light bonfires;
         c) make pancakes.
2) The Boat Race is between:
         a) Oxford and Cambridge Universities;
         b) Oxford and London Universities;
         c) Cambridge and York Universities.
3) Children dress up as witches:
         a) at Easter;
         b) on Guy Fawkes' Night;
         c) at Halloween.
4) Ascot is famous for its:
         a) football team;
         b) horse race;
         c) tennis tournament.
5) British children receive their Christmas presents on:
         a) 24th December;
         b) 25th December;
         c) 26th December.
6) St Valentine's day is in:
         a) January;
         b) February;
         c) March.

 Where are these holidays celebrated?
 Put these words in the proper columns.
Christmas,                    Halloween,                              Easter,
 St.Valentine's Day,      Pancake Day,               April Fool's Day,
Victory Day,                 Guy Fawkes Day,                   Women's Day,
 Mother's Day,              New Year's Day,           the Day of the Constitution,

Great Britain

Which holidays are celebrated in all these countries? What holidays do you like most of all?
British are proud of their traditions carefully keep them. New Year's Day is the first day of the year celebrated on the first of January, It is a public holiday. In England they do not celebrate the New Year as widely as Christmas. A New Year party is the most common type of celebration. But in Scotlandit is celebrated wholeheartedly.
St. Valentine's Day is on the 14th of February. People buy or make Valentine cards and send them to people they love. They should not write their names on the cards. Those who get them must guess who sent them. It is a day to share loving feelings with friends and family.
In March they celebrate Mother' s Day. On this day children help their mothers at home and give them cards and presents.
Easter is a Christian spring festival that is celebrated in March or April. At Easter children eat chocolate eggs. You can see Easter Parade in London.
The 1st of April is known as All Fools' Day. This is a good occasion of befooling each other.
May Day is celebrated as a spring festival. They have May Pole and dance round it, the May Queen is usually elected among the prettiest girls. Father's Day is celebrated in June,
Halloween occurs on the 31 of October. They say ghosts and witches come out on this day. People make lanterns out of pumpkins, Some people have Halloween parties and dress as witches and ghosts.
Four times a year the offices and banks are closed, on Mon­day. These public holidays are known as Bank Holidays.
On the 5th of November you can see bonfires burning, fireworks and rockets shooting across the sky, It`s Guy Fawkes Day.
Christmas Day is one of the greatest holidays of the year. It's celebrated on the 25th of December.
 Correct these sentences:
1) Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated on the 25th of December.
2) These public holidays are known as Halloween parties.
3) People make lanterns out of pumpkins on the 5th of November.
4) Father's Day is celebrated in May.
5) People buy or make Valentine cards and send them to shops and banks.
6) In England they celebrate the New Year as widely as Christmas.
7) At Easter you can see May Pole Parade in London.
8) May Day is celebrated as a good occasion of befooling each other.
9) On this day children help their teachers at home and give them cards and presents.
10) May Queen is usually elected at New Year's parties.
Creative work:
You are planning to have a New Year's party at your school. Describe your holiday using the Simple Future Tense. Write it down.

1). It is a conversation between Ukrainian girl Katya, who came to Britain to stay with an English family, and British girl Alice who is going to take Katya to a Halloween party
 A. It can be a stupid question, but I'm afraid I don't know much about Halloween. What is it like?
B. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Such parties are usually great fun. People dress up in  strange costumes and pretend they are ghosts and witches.
A. Oh... are you sure I'm going to like it? It sounds unusual.
B. Don't be silly, we'll play games and laugh a lot. When the party is over we knock on our neigbours' doors asking if they would like a "trick-or-treat".
A. Trick or treat? What do you mean?
B. Nothing dangerous. If they give us a treat — some sweets, nuts or cakes — we'll say "thank you" and go away. But if they don't we'll play a trick on them.
A. What? A trick? What shall we do?
B. We'll make a lot of noise and throw flour on their front doorstep.
A. Wow. It will be interesting. Let's go.

2) The conversation is between a Ukrainian schoolboy and an English schoolboy.
 A. Hello! I am sorryWhere are you going in such a strange costume?
B. I'm going to Halloween Party.
A. Halloween? How interesting. I've j never heard about this holiday before. We don't have it in Ukraine.
 B. We celebrate it on the 31st of October. We dress up as ghosts, witches or devils. Then we visit our neighbours' houses and ask, "Trick-or-I treat?"
A. And what is it? (Показує на гарбуз у руках співрозмовника)
B. It is the Halloween lantern. I've pre­pared it and I'll take it to the party to decorate the hall. (Підпалює свічку всередині гарбуза). Pumpkins with candles inside are usual decorations in the windows of people's houses.

3) The dialogue is between two friends
A. How nice to see you again. Where have you been? Home?
B. No, I've been visiting my relatives.
A. Where's about?
B. I went to London to celebrate Christmas.
A. Oh, it's a very great holiday. I know that on that day all family tries to gather together.
B. Yes, you are right. My brothers came from Liverpool. And my parents deco­rated their house. They put Christmas tree.
A. And of course, Christmas is a great time for eating!
B. My mother prepared traditional meal — roast turkey and Christmas pud­ding. We enjoyed the party very much!

4) Between two girls over the tele­phone
A. Hello!
B. Is that you, Vika?
A. Yes. Hello Olya!
B. What are you doing?
A. I'm doing a greeting card to my boy­friend.
B. A greeting card?
A. Don't you remember! Tomorrow will be St. Valentine's Day. It's on the 14th of February. Don't you want to send a "valentine" to your sweetheart?
B. I think I'll do. But I don't know what to write down on it.
A. It's not difficult. You can write "I'll be your sweetheart if you will be mine. All my life I'll be your Valentine!"
B. Thank you for your advice. Bye.
A. Bye.

5) Two schoolboys
A. Hi.
B. Hi.
A. Oh, you know there is a chalk on your face.
BWhere? (Починає витирати)
ALook(Дістає люстерко, показує.)
B. There is nothing! Oh, today is the first of April. You've just play a joke on me.
A. Let's go and play jokes on our class­mates.
B. Let's go!
What are some royal traditions in Britain?
1) There are numerous royal traditions in Britain, some are an­cient, others are modern. It seems strange but the Queen has two birthdays. She is the only person in Britain with two birthdays. The Queen's actual birthday is celebrated on April 21st.
2) The official birthday is observed on the second Saturday in June. This day is famous for a ceremony called Trooping the Colour, a beautiful parade of the Queen's soldiers. At the front of the parade they carry the regiment's flag or colour, in other words, they troop the colour.
4) The Queen's Christmas speech is a modern custom. The Queen makes a speech on radio or TV. The BBC broadcasts it to ev­ery Commonwealth country. The speech is connected with the events of the past year. Traditionally in speeches, kings and queens say "we" not “I”. But Queen Elizabeth II doesn't fol­low this tradition actually. She says "My husband and I" or just “I”.
5) There is a very special royal tradition. On the river Thamesthere are hundreds of swans. Traditionally, a number of these beautiful large white birds belong to the Queen. In July, when the young swans are about two months the Queen's swan-keeper goes up the river Thames in a boat from London Bridge to Henley to mark the royal ones. This unusual custom is called swan-upping.

Choose the right answer.
1. What facts about the Queen does the author make clear in paragraph 1?
        A. The Queen was born in April.
        B. Some people think the Queen is very strange.
        C. It is strange to have the Queen in the country.
2. What does paragraph 2 say about Trooping the Colour?
        A. All soldiers carry flags of different colours at the parade.
        B. The soldiers called the Queen on her birthday.
        C. The soldiers carry the colour before the parade.
3. What does the author tell about the Queen's Christmas speech in paragraph 3?
        A. In her speech the Queen talks about modern customs.
        B. People in different countries listen to the Queen's speech.        C. In her speech, the Queen makes it clear that there is a
connection between all the events of the year.
4. What does the Queen's swan-keeper do according to para­graph 4?
        A. He takes care of the young swans for about two months.
        B. He gives special marks to the swans belonging to the Queen.
        C. He brings the young swans up the river Thames in a boat from London Bridge to Henley.

Description of achievement
Level reached

• I can read and understand information about British traditions, celebrations and manners.
• I can understand what English-speaking peo­ple tell us about their traditions.
• I can understand people that discuss problems connected with different customs and cel­ebrations.
• I can tell people about Russian traditions and celebrations.
• I can express my opinion about different cel­ebrations.
• I know what to say when giving and receiving gifts.
• I can explain how to behave inRussia and in Britain.
• I can write about gifts that were a surprise for me or my friends.

Grammar checklist
Can understand
Can say
how to ask for information
 how to ask to agree (Tags)

Study Skills
How I use reference materials
How I participate in discussions
How I distinguish between facts/opinions

Pupil's comments
Exercise I found most interesting/en joy able/difficult/boring

May Christmas time bring the
                            things that you like best,
And may you find some quiet time        
                             to just relax and rest...
May the coming year be filled with
                             many dreams come true,
And all the days ahead hold every
                            happiness for you.
Merry Christmas!

Especially for you:
I wish you joy much fun and health,
 Success, prosperity and wealth.
May you be happy every day,
And may your people be O.K.
 May all your life be filled with flowers
Sincere friends and golden hours
May you meet many smiling faces
At home and also in the public places.
 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Would you like to study in an English-speaking country or become a diplomat? If so, you need to be sensitive to your environment. Here is a quiz to check how well you know customs and tradi­tions of English-speaking countries.
1) In Britain, what do superstitious people touch for luck? |  |   a) Iron.
□ b) Wood.
2) Is Christmas celebrated in Scotland?
□ a) Yes.
□ b) No.
3) Where is Thanksgiving celebrated?
□ a) In the USA and the UK.
□ b) In the USA and Canada.
4) Welsh traditional festival devoted to music and poetry is called...
□ a) Eisteddfod. ^2   b) Burns Night.
5) In the USA, what would you probably do at a party?
   a) Sit at a dinner table as we do in Ukraine.
   b) Walk from one room to another, talking to the guests with a
 glass of drink in the hand.
6)  What would you expect to find in a Christmas stocking?
   a) Small presents.    b) Old clothes.
7) In the USA, if you must miss a previously made appointment, what will you do?
  a) Nothing. If I don't come, they'll understand that something's happened.
   b) I'll telephone ahead to the person I am supposed to meet, saying that I won't be able to come.

Now check your answers!
For each correct answer you get 2 points.
0—4 Alas, you are not cut out to be a diplomat. You should try to be more attentive to traditions and customs of other countries and people.
6—10  That's the right spirit! Keep on studying and read some additional literature.

 12—14 Aren't you an ambassador, by any chance? Or a globe trotter? Your knowledge of customs and traditions is perfect. We are sure that you'll never suffer from "culture shock". 


(урок в 7 класі)

Мета уроку:
- розвивати навички усного мовлення
- сприяти повторенню та активізації в усному мовленні лексичних одиниць та граматичних структур необхідних для бесіди про спорт;
- виховувати толерантне ставлення та цікавість до всіх видів спорту;
Тип уроку: узагальнюючий
 1.Warming up

I like riding by bicycle
I’m fond of playing chess
My friend is good at judo
We are keen as you can guess
On every kind of sport for sure
As it can even the illness cure
And can for every girl and boy
Bring many moments of joy.
The proverb reads for everybody
’’A sound mind in a sound body’’.

2. Актуалізація опорних знань учнів
   - I like swimming. And what about you?
   - As for me I’m fond of …
                      I’m keen on…
                      I’m good at …

Give one word for the following definitions:

A game for two teams that you play with a ball and a basket.(basketball)
A game that you play on board.(chess)
A game for two teams that you play with the sticks on the ice-ground.(ice- hockey)
A game for two people that you play with a small ball on the table. (table -tennis)
An English popular game.(football)
This kind of sport includes things like running, jumping, etc. (athletics)
Canada’s national sport is… (hockey)
You can swim there in winter (swimming- pool)
A place where boys and girls go in for sports… (gymnasium)
A person that trains sportsmen in this or that kind of sport… (trainer)

3 Введення нового матеріалу

Write in play, go, or do.
_____ tennis         ______  athletics      ______football
_____ exercises    ______ volleyball    ______fishing
_____ jogging      ______ aerobics       ______skiing
Can you work out rules?

5. Choose some of the sports or activity from your list and fill in the columns
play, go or do?
football pitch

6. Аудіювання
 Listen to a story and continue to complete the columns.
My name is Suzanne. I love many sports, but best of all I like skiing. I first skied when I was 6 years old and lived in Canada. And then for many years I couldn’t go skiing as I lived in hot places. But now I live in England and I began skiing again.
But the best place for me to ski now is Alps.
The equipment you need is skis, boots and poles. Clothes are very important too because they protect you from cold weather. You need a ski-suit, a hat, goggles to protect your eyes, socks, mittens.
I want to say that I’m not the world’s greatest skier, I’m a safe skier, but that doesn’t stop you having a wonderful time.  

  • -Which sport does Suzanne talk about?
  • -How often does she do it?
  • -Where does she do it?
  • -What equipment does she need?
  • -Does she like it?
  • -Is she good at it?

7. Arrange these words to make sentences.
  1.  go    never   I    almost    fishing.
  2.  always   they  tennis  the   at  play  weekends.   
  3.  go  do  often  jogging  how  you ?
  4.  every do  we day  exercises  morning.
  5.  ever  Charlie  do  does  aerobics?       
  6.  do on  you  what usually Saturdays  do?

8. Check ( ü ) how often you do each of the things in the chart.

Every day
or twice
a week
Not very
do aerobics
go jogging
go swimming
do exercises
play basketball
go fishing
play football
Закріплення нового матеріалу
9. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
          What sports do you do? Where do you do it? How often…? Are you good at...?

10. Put different kinds of physical activity in the order of importance.
          Pupils work in groups   
summer sports                        morning exercises
winter sports                          walking
jogging                                   working in the garden
indoor games                          bodybuilding
outdoor games                        aerobics

11. Ask questions to your classmate in order to find out what kind of sport or physical activity he does to keep feet.
         -Do you go jogging to keep fit?

12. Complete this conversation.
       Write the prepositions in the correct places.
– What time do you go jogging?  (around/in/on)
– I always go jogging seven o’clock.   (at/for/on)
How about you?
– I usually go jogging noon.   (around/in/with)
I jog about an hour.   (at/for/until)
– And do you also play sports your free time?   (at/in/until)
– Not very often. I usually go out my classmates in my free time.   (around/for/with)
What about you?
– I go to the gym Mondays and Wednesdays.   (at/on/until)
And sometimes I go bicycling weekends.   (for/in/at)
– Wow! You really like to keep fit.

13. Pupils make their own dialogues.
 5 Підсумок уроку
14. H/w. Pupils write a story what they do to keep fit.

Подорожуємо Лондоном

Визначні місця міста.(8 


практична – сприяти повторенню та активізації в усному мовленні лексичних одиниць та граматичних структур необхідних для бесіди про Лондон, визначні місця у Лондоні;
розвиваюча –розвивати навички аудіювання, читання, монологічного мовлення; розвивати творчі здібності учнів;
виховна – виховувати толерантне ставлення та цікавість до пізнання країни, мова якої вивчається; виховувати ввічливе ставлення один до одного; розширити кругозір учнів;

Обладнання: карта Великобританії, роздатковий матеріал ,підручник;

Вид уроку: узагальнюючий

Структура уроку

1.      Greeting and Aim
2.     Warming-UP
3.     Check on homework.
4.     Lexical training
5.     Relaxation
6.     Writing activity
7.     Grammar training
8.     Summarizing. Home Assignment. Marks.

Хід уроку:
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
Greeting and Aim
Good morning, children! The topic of our today’s lesson is “Traveling around London”. Today we are going to speak about the places of interest in London. We’ll repeat also the usage of some, any, no. So, let’s start our leson.
2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу
Warming –  up
T: I would like to start our lesson with a task “Correct the mistakes”.
1.     Trefalgar Square
2.     Westminster Ebbey
3.     Touer of London
4.     Buckinghem Palace
5.     Big Ban
II. Основна частина уроку.
1. Контроль домашнього завдання.
Check on homework.
T: Well, your task was to read a text on page 118-119 and to make some questions. Have you done it? Put your questions.
2. Активізація лексики з теми.
Lexical training
T: As you know, there are a lot of places of interest in London. Let’ s travel around the city and remember some of them.(перегляд презентації)
T:  So, the first place is Big Ben. What can you say about it?
1.     Big Ben stands near the Houses of Parliament. It is really a bell. It has a deep tone. You hear it every hour. It is a famous clock.
2.     The Tower of London is very old. It has a long and cruel history. It is not one building. You can see it from the riverThames. Many years ago British Queens and Kings lived in this place. It was even a prison. Now it is a museum.
3.     Trafalgar Square is a central square in London. InTrafalgar Square there is a monument to Admiral Nelson.There is also the National Gallery.
4.     Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official residence. Tourists always go to see the ceremony of changing the Guard there.
5.     St Paul’s Cathedral is the biggest English church. Another famous church is Westminster Abbey where kings, queens, and many famous people are buried.
6.     London is also famous for its beautiful parks. Hyde Parkis the most democratic park in the world, as anyone can say anything he likes there. Regent’s Park is the home ofLondon Zoo.
3. Хвилинка релаксації

T: Let’s play a game. Your task is to find a friend which is from your country. You have a peace of paper with the name of your country and your nationality. The country and nationality are different. For example: “I am from Ukraine.”— “I am Ukrainian”
4. Тренування у писемному мовленні

Writing activity
T: Now your task is to match words and word - combinations. You have 5 minutes to match.
T: Let’s check what you’ve done.
T: Now please choose any word or word combination and make a sentence with it. Write it down in your copybooks.

Match the sentences:
1. St. Paul's Cathedral                                   (4) the famous clock 
2. Buckingham Palace                                    (5) a museum of wax figures      
3. Trafalgar Square                                        (1) the biggest English church
4. Big Ben                                                        (3) monument to Admiral Nelson 
5. Madam Tussaud's Museum                       (2) the residence of the Queen                                                                                        
4. Закріплення граматичного матеріалу.

Grammar training
T: Now, let's work a little bit with Grammar. Do you remember when we use some, any, no?
-not any-
+Take some glasses from that shelf.

Візьміть кілька склянок на тій полиці.

?Have you got any money?

У тебе є хоч трохи грошей.

-There are no new words in the text.

У тексті немає (ніяких) нових слів.

Fill in the gaps some, any, no.

1. There were ... of my friends there. 2. Well, anyway, there is ... need to hurry, now that we have missed the train. 3. Have you ever seen ... of these pictures before? 4. There is ... water in the kettle: they have drunk it all. 5. There were ... fir-trees in that forest, but many pines. 6. We could not buy cherries, so we bought ... plums instead.
1. some
2. no
3. any
4. no
5. no
6. some

III. Заключна частина уроку.

       Summarizing. Home assignment. Marks.

TWe spoke about a very beautiful city – London. Now let’s see a short movie about it. (перегляд фільму)
      What did we do at our lesson today?
      What did you like the most?
      You worked well  today and your marks are… Your homework for the next        
      lesson is
      You may be free, good-bye.

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